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Updated 4/30/02

Photo Quality

Digital Collections' has a module called DCPHOTO that handles the moving and exporting of photo files in their system. You can customize the process using these switches in the dcphoto.pth file (see sample below table).

For instance, to change the output resolution you would use the -dpi switch in the dcphoto.pth file:

-ts 100 -lj 400 -t -ti -integrate -minfree 20 -ft TIFF8BIM -dpi 200 -xt .tif -he -domax 3 \

In this example, the export gallery has an attribute of 200 dpi on all photos. It will export the photos using Adobe PhotoShop's Macintosh File and Creator types, and it will add a .tif file extension to the image.

The Inspector

Digital Collections' client application has a palette called the inspector that allows you to name a photo, crop it, and size it before exporting it. There are some obscure fields in that palette and need a little explanation. This from GMTI:

The Quality field contains a default value which is multiplied times the Raster setting in use by the client in the effective dcshell.dcdl file. Usually the Raster setting is 100, and it is set in the /dot/project/digital/global/pref/dcshell.dcdl, which is the system default for this and other values.

The Quality value also is set in the global dcshell.dcdl file, but defaults to 1.8 when not set.

The value in the Quality field can be changed as needed to export higher (or lower) pixel densities as desired, but the value has to be less than or equal to the calculated number displayed in the Actual field after the image is cropped and sized.

Parameters for dcphoto.pth

-i path Input-path autoscan
-s script Input-script autoscan
-o path Output-path converted files
-h path History-path job-files
-juke path Path to juke driver
-n Convert to Native-file
-t Convert to TIFF-file
-targa Convert to TARGA-file
-e Convert to EPS-file
-ex Convert to hexadezimale EPS-file
-j xx Convert to JPEG-file with factor xx
-ljq xx Convert to JPEG-layout with factor xx
-p name Spool EPS to printer
-pcmd cmd Spool EPS with this command
-grada file Gray gradation pshop
-colc file Color gradation pshop
-icccfg file Logo Colorsync: Mapping file ID <-> Profile.
-iccgray2gray Logo Colorsync: gray pictures should not be converted to CMYK
-icccolor2gray Logo Colorsync: color pictures should be converted to gray
-iccincolor N
-iccingray N
-iccoutcolor N
-iccoutgray N
-pfsize xx Proof-print font size
-pg file Proof-gradation file name
-pr xxx Proof-screen xxx lines per cm
-pq xxx Proof-quality xxx cells per line
-a4 Use DIN-A4 format for EPS
-a3 Use DIN-A3 format for EPS
-usletter Use USA Letter format for EPS
-ppix 590x810 Width x Height for EPS
-bw Convert color pictures to b/w
-sw Trigger for white
-lf Layout reduction
-b12 Mask to 12-RGB-Bits
-z Kompress thumbnail
-ti Invisible Mac-thumbnails
-g4 FAX-group 4 compression
-rr Rotate picture right
-rl Rotate picture left
-on Use original names
-dcname Use dc naming convention
-shadow Create shadow from jobs
-mirror Create mirror from jobs
-layout Create only layout picture
-integrate Integrate input into output galleries
-replace Replace picture with new type in galleries
-repjobs Jobs with picture in galleries
-autowork Replace picture with new type in original place
-hist Generate hist croppings
-usehist Use hist croppings
-orig Do not use history pre-crop values for autowork
-nohigh Do not produce hi-res on autowork files
-inteleft Integrate input into output galleries on left hand machines
-interight Integrate input into output galleries on right hand machines
-left Define to be a left hand machine
-right Define to be a right hand machine
-levels x Go down x levels of subdirectories
-adddir Create levels on given directory
-addout Create levels on output directory
-addinp Create levels on input directory
-delorg Delete original picture from job
-nocrop Do not perform cropping in jobs
-domax num Do only x pictures per scan
-verbose Verbose messages for method
-minfree xx Mininum free megabytes in filesystem
-mm 130x180 Always scale picture to this size in millimeters, use for eps o utput
-textmm mm Always use this size for caption box
-frame Frame a PostScript-Picture
-infobox Use tags from infobox for caption
-copies xxx Check this tag for copies with dclayspo
-notags Do not print the tags itself
-uselay Use layout as high-res
-dbg Debug mode
-gj Convert catalog scan
-cros xxxx Convert with scale using xxxx horizontal pixels
-pixel Convert to exact pixel specifications from user interface
-sm xxx Picture more sharpen
-sl xxx Picture less sharpen
-w xxx Crop white frames with trigger xxx
-inset xxx Inset auto-cut frame by xxx
-rkodak xx:xx Reduce resulation 5 of Kodak by this relation.
-lt xxx Create layout-Tiff with xxx pixels
-lj xxx Create layout-JPEG with xxx pixels
-ts xxx Create thumbnail-TIFF with xxx pixels
-tj xxx Create thumbnail-JPEG with xxx pixels
-ft Filetype Macintosh resource file type (JPEG8BIM, TIFF8BIM)
-desc Create image descrition from path...
-bbox x y w h Bounding box for eps-printing (A4: 15 15 590 835)
-xoff n X offset for printing
-yoff n Y offset for printing
-eng Use english language for generating of EPS.
-ger Use german language for generating of EPS.
-intel Produce an Intel-TIFF.
-static subdir Extent base level scan by this subdir.
-xt type Use this extention for files.
-dpi dpi Dpi to set in .tif if no size specified (default 72).
-jdpi Set the dpi value for JPEGs as well.
-paul Paul Kelly´s layout file recovery...
-perf Enable high-performance processing. (license required)
-lzw Compress output TIFF unsing LZW.
-ndr601 Expect NDR601 input files.
-insert Create dcinsert compatible documents.
-c rrr ggg bbb Color correction red/green/blue percent
-noeps Don't try to understand EPS files (archive them as native).
-nopict Don't try to understand PICT files (archive them as native).
-ignore ext Ignore files with this extention, repeat option up to 16 times.
-iptcout path Path to IPTC-Method for outgoing JPEG convertion with IPTC-Head er.
-printtag Print tag information (tag1:tag2:tag3:....)
-origname tag Use this tag for output name
-expdci Exports infobox from dc-database
-dummydci path Use dummy dci file, when orginal dci not exists
-encmac Use Mac-Charset for convertion incoming and/or outgoing
-encibm Use IBM-Charset for convertion incoming and/or outgoing
-enc8859 Use ISO8859-Charset for convertion incoming and/or outgoing
-nordfoto Implements text and iptc infos from mac resource of nordfoto pi ctures
-lang Language to use at generating dcs discriptors (ger, eng, por, t ur, spn, dan, hun)
-sgmlexp cfg Exports dossier to sgml and use cfg file for tag convertion fro m body (name.sgm, name.jff)
-sgmlimp Imports sgml format to dc format and prepare highres for archiv ing (name.sgm, name.tif/jff/jpg)
-sgmlerr path Path to error directory, if sgml convertion fails
-prefix abc Prefix capability for output filenames
-nonative Don't try to understand native files
-nomercy Remove files which are junk
-error path Copy the files to error which are junk
-save path Save path of originals
-impcciads Imports cci ads to dc
-expcciads Exports cci ads from dc
-fiery3 Print to the NoW Fiery 3 PS-Printer (NI)

The dcphoto.pth file

# Move things from "Prepare to Waiting"
-ts 100 -lj 400 -j 85 -minfree 20 -ti -domax 1 \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/archive/prepare \
-o /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/archive/waiting
# Export things to AppleShare
-ts 100 -lj 400 -t -ti -integrate -minfree 20 -ft TIFF8BIM -dpi 200 -xt .tif -he -domax 3 \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/export/tasks \
-h /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/export/temp \
-o /dot/support/appleshare/Photo-Export
# Move things to prodphoto
-ts 100 -lj 400 -t -ti -integrate -minfree 20 -ft TIFF8BIM -dpi 200 -xt .tif -he -domax 3 \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/export/temp \
-h /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/export/history \
-o /usr2/prodphoto

# Move things to Published
-ts 100 -lj 400 -j 85 -ti -integrate -minfree 20 -domax 1 -nocrop \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/export/history \
-o /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/export/published
-bw -p archive -pcmd "/usr/bin/lpr -P%s" -e -usletter -pr 35 -pq 2.0 -domax 2 \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/print/archive/tasks \
-h /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/print/archive/history \
-o /dot/spool/archive
# Try to Print Things to Library Printer
-bw -p library -pcmd "/usr/bin/lpr -P%s" -e -usletter -pr 35 -pq 2.0 -domax 2 \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/print/library/tasks \
-h /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/print/library/history \
-o /dot/spool/library
# Try to Print Things to Photo Lab Printer
-bw -p photo -pcmd "/usr/bin/lpr -P%s" -e -usletter -pr 35 -pq 2.0 -domax 2 \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/print/PhotoLab/tasks \
-h /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/print/PhotoLab/history \
-o /dot/spool/photo

# Integrate TIFFS "Photo-Import" gallery.
-domax 1 -replace -integrate -levels 1 -nomercy -lj 400 -he \
-j 75 -ts 100 -ft JPEG8BIM -ti \
-i nil \
-o /dot/project/digital/library/photo/wrk/leaf

# Integrate MacArchive files into gallery.
#-domax 1 -replace -integrate -levels 1 -nomercy -lj 400 -he \
#-j 75 -ts 100 -ft JPEG8BIM -ti \
#-i nil \
#-o /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/macarchive
# Move things from "Sports Drop" to "Sports Selected"
-ts 100 -lj 400 -j 45 -minfree 20 -ti -domax 1 \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/sports/tasks \
-o /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/sports
# Move things from "News Drop" to "News Selected"
-ts 100 -lj 400 -j 45 -minfree 20 -ti -domax 1 \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/news/tasks \
-o /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/news
# Move things from "Style Drop" to "Style Selected"
-ts 100 -lj 400 -j 45 -minfree 20 -ti -domax 1 \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/style/tasks \
-o /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/style
# Move things from "Biz Drop" to "Biz Selected"
-ts 100 -lj 400 -j 45 -minfree 20 -ti -domax 1 \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/biz/tasks \
-o /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/biz
# Move things from "Weekly Drop" to "Weekly Selected"
-ts 100 -lj 400 -j 45 -minfree 20 -ti -domax 1 \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/weekly/tasks \
-o /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/weekly
# Move things from "Special Drop" to "Special Selected"
#-ts 100 -lj 400 -j 45 -minfree 20 -ti -domax 1 \
#-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/special/tasks \
#-o /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/special
# Move things from "Library Drop" to "Library"
-ts 100 -lj 400 -j 45 -minfree 20 -ti -domax 1 \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/library/tasks \
-o /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/library
# Move things from "TV Drop" to "TV"
-ts 100 -lj 400 -j 45 -minfree 20 -ti -domax 1 \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/tv/tasks \
-o /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/tv
# Move things from "TGIF Drop" to "TGIF"
#-ts 100 -lj 400 -j 45 -minfree 20 -ti -domax 1 \
#-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/tgif/tasks \
#-o /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/tgif
# Move things from "People Drop" to "People"
#-ts 100 -lj 400 -j 45 -minfree 20 -ti -domax 1 \
#-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/people/tasks \
#-o /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/people

#Iptc Export
-ts 100 -lj 400 -he -integrate -nomercy -j 85 -ti -verbose -ft JPEG8BIM \
-xt .jpg -he -dpi 200 -minfree 50 -domax 1 \
-iptcout /dot/project/digital/software/dcphoto/dcphoto_iptc.pth \
-i /dot/project/digital/library/leaf/wrk/iptcexport/tasks \
-o /dot/support/appleshare/iptcexport